Meals are provided by the company Tomáš Mészároš – PINO, s.r.o. and are prepared directly in the school kitchen.

The food is served between 11:15am and 2:15pm.

The price per lunch ticket as of 1st October 2022: 2.86 EUR.

To pay for meals, use the following account number for the bank transfer: IBAN SK1511000000002940027069

It is necessary to use a student’s variable symbol generated by the system, and provide the student’s name in the payment reference section, otherwise the payment cannot be matched correctly.

Students’ meals are not booked automatically. Students need to make the booking through the Edupage system in the following way:

Choosing a meal or changing one’s preference can be done by 23:59 PM the previous day, no changes can be made in the system after this time.

When making a booking, you need to be in credit in your system, that’s why we suggest setting up a standing order for 35.34 EUR (which makes approximately 19 meals per month), payable on the 1st day of the month. Any unused credit will be transferred automatically to the following month. If a student reaches a negative credit of 10 EUR, they will be blocked from making new meal bookings.

The provider also reserves the right to not serve a student their meal, if their parent fails to pay for

meals on a regular basis.

The provider is not obliged to notify of any late payments. It is the parents’ / legal guardian’s duty to pay for the meals on time.

If a meal is not cancelled, no monetary or material reimbursement will be provided.

Should you have any questions regarding payments, monthly standing orders or invoices, please contact us on 0911 839 075 or via email