Juniors used the end of the school year to raft the Orava River.

Our adventure started with a train journey to Orava. We completely filled the legendary Oravka trainand in exchange, together with another school, we spontaneously organised a musical performance in it, which was enjoyed by us and also the locals.

The good mood didn’t leave us even in the rafts. Rafting the Orava River offers a wonderful view of the surrounding nature and scenery. After all, from where is the best view of the Orava Castle? From Orava, of course! Nature also gave us some trouble in some sections, for example when we were hit by the so-called Egyptian plagues in the form of clouds of flies, which seemed to be impossible to escape. We also had to join forces on the shallow rocky sections or if something floated out of a boat. Together, however, we overcame all the obstacles and in the evenings we enjoyed a trip to a nearby ruin or a good campfire atmosphere for a reward.

This end-of-year teambuilding brings unforgettable experiences to students (and teachers), strengthens teamwork and helps build strong relationships. Rafting the Orava River is the perfect combination of adventure, nature and relaxation. Next year’s third graders already have something to look forward to!


Text: Monika Lezová
Foto: Monika Lezová, Kristián Kosterec